It's ALL about
the image!
Photographic commissions are undertaken to perfectly complement and enhance the design process.
We know that attempting to cut corners and make savings by ignoring the value of good quality photography produced by an experienced, skilled professional is false economy.
In a world filled to the brim with photographic images, inferior photography contributes little or nothing to the viewers’ experience and is very much less likely to convince a potential purchaser to buy a product or service.
- Commercial / Advertising photography
- Product photography
- Business environment
- Minitures (highly detailed close-ups of small subjects)
- Horticulture and gardening
- Travel
- Events
- Location
- Highly skilled photo retouching
... If you don't see an option listed here, please ask us!
In recent times we have witnessed a major cultural change in the way that we communicate. Technology has brought a substantial increase in the quantity and frequency of information we have presented to us every day. In our already time-challenged working and social environment, we are only able to devote minimal time to accurately select and absorb from such a large volume of information.
In a design conscious world, it is no surprise that the highest performing sales and marketing messages are also the best presented.
We instantly gather far more information through our eyes than all our other senses combined. The reason we are so visually oriented is purely due to our human physiology. We can read five times as fast as the average person speaks. We also register and interpret complex and information rich visual images in a mere fraction of a second.
Because the visual messages we receive are only as useful as the content its creator has provided, poor quality visual communication inevitably results in under performance, or even total failure, of a marketing or advertising campaign.
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